Thank you for using 4CLOCK as your Clock / Time in Attendance Solution! Please follow the steps below to ensure a smooth Upgrade. Once you have downloaded the upgrades & saved it to your Hard Drive, go to the placeholder of the 4CLOCKUpgrades.exe file. Double-click on this file. You will be prompted to select the default folder into which this file is to be extracted into. ******** Please leave the default on c:\ and DON’T SELECT 4CLOCK! Select “Unzip” to start the Unzip-Process. A folder called c:\4CLOCKUpgrades will be created & the upgraded programs will be stored in this folder. Go to the c:\4CLOCKUpgrades folder & find the file called “4CLOCKDBConvert” Please ensure that you have exited the 4CLOCK Applications & then double-click on this file & click on “Begin” to start the upgrade. Once the Updates are done, click on “Exit”. Now re-open the 4CLOCK . If you have multiple 4CLOCK terminals, Go out of 4CLOCK on these terminals & manually copy the 4CLOCK Program to them. The 4CLOCK Team.