4POS > 4POS Features

scale items without barcode printing scale



I have a question regarding stock items and scale items. We have a butchery and the problem is this:

I will use biltong in this example. I loaded biltong as a product with the actual cost and list cost per unit, in this case kg. Lets say the cost is R90.00
When I sell 200gr of biltong @ R30.00 my sales report shows I made a loss because it deducts 1 item (kg) from stock.
When I sell 1kg of biltong @ R199 my sales report shows I made a profit on that sale and deducts 1 items (kg) from stock.
How can I sell in fractions without a barcode printing scale so that the stock deduction works on the sale price and not per unit? I did select the option in the product setup to allow fractions and scale item.

You are 90% there. All you need to do is when you ring up the item, press the quantity button - by default the * on your numerical keyboard & enter the quantity as the weight Eg. 0.253 & press enter....

You are now selling the item in kg with a quantity of 0.253 -

Your sales will reflect correctly.

thank you. I will try that today

also, come to think of it. Is it not possible for the system to automatically adjust the unit based on the price entered?
For example I enter R20.00 and the system deducts .200gr from stock?


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