You can create vouchers as "Deposits" on the system.
When you sell it to a customer, you will do a reversal as a deposit is naturally negative.
When they then redeem the voucher, it will be as a credit on the bill.
Loyalty - Not even PnP can get it right - so all you clever people - give us some ideas.
The issue is this :
1. Points needs to be assigned to each product. - problem : If a customer has 15,000+ items - how often will he need to go & check these points? A Wizard - like our re-order wizard will be the only way.
2. How will the points be awarded? Will it be a flat qty of points per sales & what value will these points have? R1 for every 1,000 points? or 100?
3. If a product is on promotion - how is the points affected?
4. If you are selling on a different sales channel - ditto.
5. If a product is sold as part of a bundle (Family deal consisting of Maize meal, sugar, coffee, coke) how is the points of individual items affected?
With 18,000+ customers & all the different rules of business - we would like to develop a system to cater for all - not just a few.